

We look forward to serving you.


Mo-Fri: 08h30-12h30 & 14h-18h30
Sa: 08h30-12h30
Grote Hutsesteenweg 16
1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode
+32 (0)2 358 37 10

Welcome to our site

30 years ago this community and my predecessors rallied to put up the pharmacy and serve the neighbourhood.

In 2015 Jasmien started and continued the story. Today she and her husband Raf are proud to develop an outstanding service from their new location. Right across the road. Accessible to all.

You can of course contact us through email, but don’t worry about dropping about for advice.

Our range of products

Medication (prescription/non-prescription)
Compounded (Pharmacist’s) Medication
Dietary supplements & Vitamin preparations
Homeopathic therapy
Veterinary medicinal products
Nursery products
Beauty-care & Cosmetics
Home-help products

New and fully equipped infrastructure

Our team

Our team is ready for you every day!


Jasmien has been a pharmacist since 2010. Using her experience as an assistant in other stores, she went on to start her own pharmacy near you in 2015. She’s now head of Van de plas Pharma.


Ann is a pharmacist and has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for much of her career. During the Covid period she returned to the pharmacy open to the public. Since October 2024, she joined our team as deputy pharmacist. 


As a pharmaceutical technical assistant Raf has been helping Jasmien since 2016. He currently also works in a hospital pharmacy.

Some of our services

Below an overview of our services

Medical counselling

Providing you with a personal schedule we strive for an optimal medicine usage avoiding double use,… The schedule is also the ideal tool for cross-communication between all caretakers.

When you opt to have us be your local pharmacist, we – together with you and your GP – can build a personalised and confidential medicine use.

Expired products

Don’t hang on to these.

We collect and have them professionally destroyed

Find out which medicine can be handed over freely.

Compounded medicine

The pharmacy is well equipped to prepare its own pharmacist’s products guaranteeing fast and correct delivery.

Home delivery

We understand that some circumstances make it impossible to come to us.

Give us a call to discuss options.

Pharmacist on duty